History of the Barbados Kennel Club
The Barbados Kennel Club was founded in February 1951 when on the recommendation of Dr. Sumner-Moore, a retired Englishman living on the island, a group of persons sharing a common interest in dogs met at Queens Park and from that beginning the Club was born.
Among those early pioneers were Mrs. Moyra Wilkinson, Mrs. Kitty Fieldman, Mr. Dudley Wiles and Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gale. Mr. Dudley Wiles was our first President and Mr. Bruce Stoute, our first Secretary-Treasurer.
The Club was incorporated under the Companies Act as a non-profit limited company on June 11th, 1974 and was continued as set out in the Articles of Continuance under section 352 of the Companies Act 1982.
Prior to the formation of the Club, Dog Shows were held at the Annual Industrial Exhibition at Queens Park. These continued until 1965, by which time the number of entries had outgrown the facilities which the Exhibition could offer. It was necessary therefore to seek alternative venues and for many years shows were held at Carlton Club, Wanderers Club, B. H. S. Headquarters at Balls, The Grotto and N. U. P. W. Headquarters at Dalkeith.
In 1995, the Club together with the Barbados Boxer Club joined forces with The German Shepherd Dog Club of Barbados and The Barbados Dog Training Club who were already established at Waterford Woods, where a small Club House had been erected. Through the joint efforts of all the Clubs major improvements have taken place at this site. A larger area of land was enclosed with chain link fencing. A forty foot container was set up on the ground which provided room for storage of equipment as well as an office. To this was added a covered deck which is used for meetings and social events. A large area of the ground is now under floodlights and events are held in the evenings. When prepared for a Dog Show, this area is transformed into a beautiful show ground. Overseas judges have always been high in their praises of our lovely facilities.
The Club stages three (3) All Breeds Championship Shows a year, in March, October and November under the judges of International repute. The Club has two affiliated Clubs namely, The Barbados Dog Training Club and The German Shepherd Dog Club of Barbados and approximately one hundred (100) members. Membership is open to all, an interest in dogs is the only requirement.
The Main purpose of the Club is the promotion of pedigree dogs with excellence in breeding, and also to suppress malpractice.
The Registration Department of the Club run by very capable and dedicated Registrars over the years is the hub of our activities. Careful registration and records of pedigrees are kept to safeguard the various breeds. This section is now fully computerized and registrations and transfers are handled in a timely manner. The Registrar can issue three (3) and five (5) generation pedigrees at short notice.
A close liaison is maintained between the Registrar and The Kennel Club (U.K.) and any problems can be resolved speedily. Registrations now average three hundred (300) dogs and transfers one hundred (100) dogs per year.